Factors responsible for underdevelopment in nigeria pdf

Most african countries used to be european colonies. What are the major factors responsible for underdevelopment in nigeria. Generally, africas underdevelopment is a product of the interplay of external and domestic factors, which include slavery and colonialism, economic mismanagement, illconceived structural adjustment policies, interstate and intrastate conflicts, failed regionalism, unfair trade terms, foreign debt, aid dependence, poor governance, weak. Why africa remains underdeveloped despite its potential. Download as doc, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. Nigeria the most populated country in africa filled with its endowed natural resources, and according to the united nations statistics nigeria is the 8th most populous county in the world with a population of 2.

In this article, we will examine some of the most pertinent factors responsible for africas underdevelopment. Recent happenings in nigeria especially the post election violence in april, 2011 confirms the main thesis of this book that africans are responsible for the underdevelopment of africa. A critical analysis on the reasons of underdevelopment in. Because, underdevelopment is not simply the opposite of development, it is actually a special condition that has risen in the postcolonial third world that creates a hindrance to the. In chapter one 1 we look at the technicalities involved in writing a research work, and we look at the introduction of our main thrust of study or to.

The effects of external factors in underdevelopment are numerous, it depend on the view point of the writer. It is precisely at this time that the subject of development economics came into being to study the problems of backwardness and underdevelopment of these nations. Underdevelopment in subsaharan africa is caused by both internal and external factors. The problems of underdevelopment in nigeria are responsible for our way of. Oct 11, 2012 the book, how africans underdeveloped africa by joshua agbo focused on the role that africans have played in the underdevelopment of africa. For africa to break the impasse of underdevelopment, the paper calls for good. Determining if accountability and transparent leadership are capable of engendering development in nigeria. What are the factors affecting underdevelopment in nigeria.

Pdf underdevelopment in sub saharan africa robbins. To understand why nigeria is underdeveloped, we first look at some nations that have developed and the circumstances, challenges and responses that caused them to develop. Decolonisation in africa was primarily triggered by international factors, and most. In many cases these counties have tended to depend mainly on these foregoing loans or gifts for the financing of their development projects. This post seeks to address the questions why has africa remained poor despite its abundant renewable and nonrenewable resources. For instance, the modernist school believes that africa needs to follow the development strategies of the industrialized nations before it can be developed, while the dependency theorists argued that the exploitation of africa by the super powers was.

Internal causes of underdevelopment a historical perspective is essential in order to understand why african countries have failed to take part in the international economic development we have seen in this era of globalisation. The concepts of corruption and underdevelopment are of common daily usage in describing the political, socioeconomic, and religious lives of african states, most of which are regarded as either developing or underdeveloped states. The causes of underdevelopment in developing countries include. What factors have accounted for the underdevelopment of the.

The study explored the phenomenon of graduate unemployment as well as its causal factors, consequences and remedies in nigeria. The independence of african states from colonial rule began from the middle part of the 20th century signaled strong prospects and hope for a better and prosperous continent. Underdevelopment in africa journal of social, political and. She was ranked the second most corrupt country in the world in 2004 oluolu, 2008. This paper explores the factors responsible for the underdevelopment of most african states with an attempt to provide some possible recommendations to overcoming the socioeconomic and political problems faced by the continent in a growing inter connected globalised world.

Okoromas 2006 findings blamed the distortions in the education system on ineffective implementation, which was engendered primarily by a lack of. Causes of underdevelopment in developing countries answers. In some cases, unemployment of the youth is a cause for concern. Many radical writers were of the opinion that nigeria is underdeveloped because. Factor that affect the underdevelopment in nigeria is that corruption and unemployment. It has brought about so many consequences, but of all, the economy is the most affected sector because the economic sector controls all other aspect of. It consists of a few huts of corrugated tin, with mud floors and just.

Now even though they are all independent, some still rely heavily on their former european colonizers for works in most rapid growth domains such as telecom, harbor equipments, roads and other m. This has necessitated the evocation of dependency theory in explaining africas cum nigerias underdevelopment situation, hence africas underdevelopment has been linked to two categories of factors. R ogwuru federal university ndufu alike ikwo, ebonyi state, nigeria. This paper contends that while the history of africas underdevelopment is often traced to the atlantic and arab slave trade and to colonial rule, african leaders have been heavily responsible the continents underdevelopment and. The paper highlights the features of underdevelopment in nigeria. May 03, 2008 during the early period of development efforts there was little discussion on the historical causes and the real nature of underdevelopment. It is certain that nigeria is an independent nation, but it does not reflect in all the facts in the society since the super structures that form the society and state are dependent on foreign policy and factors. In fact, this year, the british prime minister theresa may remarked that africa and in particular nigeria is home to some of the poorest people in the world. Problems of nigeria development plan and possible solutions. The study found that poverty in africa is caused by a number of factors including corruption and poor governance, limited employment opportunities, poor infrastructure, poor resource usage, wars and unending conflicts, poor world bank and imf policies, among others.

What factors have accounted for the underdevelopment of. Ascertaining that foreign aid is responsible for underdevelopment in africa iii. These range from, high rate of unemployment, inegalitarian distribution of income and wealth, high level of insecurity, increase level of absolute poverty low level of social and political consciousness, to an increase in illiteracy rate, poor health services, housing condition. It is an age long adage that he who pays the piper dictates the tune and so the benefactors and not the. Nigeria the most populated country in africa filled with its endowed natural resources, and according to the show more content neocolonialism or imperialism this is an external factor of nigerias underdevelopment. The external factors according to radical scholars or neomarxist are slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism. Imperialism and neocolonialism from former or superior nations whom directly or indirectly might be in the helms of affairs of these. Secondly and most importantly, one of the basic consequences of the marxist theoretical and methodological engineering in the field has been the saturation of the area. While the notions of development and underdevelopment are is most commonly discussed in an economic context, the process of development ecompasses a broad range of factors, social, political, ethnicity, geography, etc, distinct to the environment in question. Were the colonial masters responsible for its inability to refine fuel. At the beginning, there was little query as to the causes of underdevelopment.

Development and underdevelopment in nigeria silvia federici. Pdf the paper looks at the activities of the colonial masters before. Underdevelopment of africa underdevelopment in africa is a problem that has been plaguing the countries all over the continent for a very long time. This research work is divided into five 5 chapters for proper understanding and clarification on the nature of dependency and underdevelopment in africa with particular reference to nigeria. Theoretical considerations at this time of cold war explained the situation of underdevelopment and the path for development from the viewpoint of western or socialist metropoles. Nigeria is a wonderful country with a huge population and endless natural resources. What are the factors responsible for the underdevelopment of a state. There are three main schools of scholars that discuss the reasons of underdevelopment in the third world and they also try and provide specific frameworks for overcoming those problems and heading towards a developed state. Dependency and underdevelopment in africa a case study the. The emergence of radical or marxistoriented paradigm to the study of development and underdevelopement has precipitated a kind of intellectual revolution, which has made a mark in the landscape of political economy, firstly, this recrudescence has forced bourgeois scholars, for the first time to take into account the noneconomic factors in their analysis of development and underdervelopment. Dependency as we all know is a product of underdevelopment which is prevalent in africa in general and nigeria in particular.

They argue that underdevelopment as inflicted by colonialism is responsible for the. The causes of under development and the challenges. The causes of underdevelopment in the third world and. Imperialism bane africas underdevelopment worksheet ideas pdf development quandary the long arm of colonialism. Learn more about nigerias problems and solutions in this post. We are backward because the internal factors that propel development are. Using quantitative research method, data were collected from 360 abuja nigeria federal capital based professionals through a selfadministered questionnaire structured in line with the modified likert scale. Nigeria however, is one of the countries in africa that would be grouped as underdeveloped this is because since her independence in october 1, 1960, it has been quintessentially hungry amidst plenty resources nigeria manifests underdevelopment all through her length and breath a country where oddities walk on their two legs, the result is. Mar 03, 2015 some factors responsible for africa being underdeveloped some factors responsible for africa being underdeveloped there are various factors that have affected the development of the continent africa, however, some reasons behind the underdevelopment of africa is highlighted below, they include. A critical analysis on the reasons of underdevelopment in africa. Essay underdevelopment of africa 635 words bartleby.

Nigeria is not an exemption, as it is often categorized as a developing state. The need for a robust africa policy is greater than ever. Policy implementation in nigeria the poor performance of the educational sector in nigeria is alarming. This paper holds the position that underdevelopment as currently experienced in nigeria and the whole of africa should be blamed on africans who have taken pleasure in corruption, bad governance. Apr 27, 2015 most african countries used to be european colonies. The paper pinpoints that corruption is the core reason behind african underdevelopment and it laid emphasis on corruption and underdevelopment interface in nigeria. Nigeria is one of the countries in africa that loses billions of dollars yearly because of corruption. In this article, my focus will be on discussing the reasons why nigeria is underdeveloped despite abundant human and natural resources. Factors affecting nigerias underdevelopment 1435 words. An examination into corruption within africa reveals that certain factors make it different than those shown in europe, and particularly those countries that rely on one or two major sources of natural resources such as nigeria and the democratic republic of the congo, tend to exacerbate corruption within those nations.

Used primarily to distinguish states along benchmarks concerning human developmentsuch as macroeconomic growth, health, education, and standards of. In 2005 and 2008, nigeria was ranked th and 17th respectively out of 146 countries by transparency internationals corruption perception index ticpi. Used primarily to distinguish states along benchmarks concerning human developmentsuch as macroeconomic growth, health, education, and. Economic underdevelopment in africa violence in twentieth. It concludes that the underdevelopment of nigeria is cause by the politico economic system she adopts. Given the sickening current trend of graduate unemployment in nigeria, it is surprising that research efforts have been passive in this area of study which is of strategic importance to sustainable growth and development in the country. This widespread poverty serves as a chief cause of underdevelopment in africa. The book, how africans underdeveloped africa by joshua agbo focused on the role that africans have played in the underdevelopment of africa.

A strict definition of this is absolutely in dispensary before starting a discussion on this topic. The idea of economic underdevelopment is a very important one. The reason behind the underdevelopment of underdeveloped states is the lack of determination. What are the reasons for underdevelopment in nigeria answers. Here we discuss indices of underdevelopment in nigeria. Although the 2007 ranking placed nigeria as the 32nd most corrupt country out of 147 countries by ticpi, corruption still remains a serious problem in nigeria shehu, 2006. Another very serious militating factor against the infrastructural growth of nigeria is the childish and. There are several factors responsible for the current status of development today and we will look at a few of them in this article to help us understand where the problem is coming from and then we can find a solution to it. Emmanuel oladipo ojo ekiti state university, nigeria. It has brought about so many consequences, but of all, the economy is the most affected sector because the.

This occurrence has become major issues of concern in. Jul 11, 2017 dependency and underdevelopment in africa is our main thrust which we try to relate the above to the nigerian context. The village sits at the very junction between the qua river one of the main water arteries of southeastern nigeria and the atlantic ocean, on a beach from where, in the past, thousands of slaves initiated their midpassage to the americas. Factors affecting nigerias underdevelopment essay 1442 words. Underdevelopment, relating to international development, reflects a broad condition or phenomena defined and critiqued by theorists in fields such as economics, development studies, and postcolonial studies. As already mentioned, the poverty in west africa has led to many of the countries seeking loans from some of the advanced countries. Africa is home to a very large percentage of the poorest people in the world. Abstract the paper critically investigated poverty in nigeria over the years, considering its. What are the causes of underdevelopment in nigeria. Jun 30, 2016 causes of underdevelopment and development. However, that hope never stand the true test of time.

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